dissabte, 22 d’agost del 2009

IF "Caution"

A piece of advice:
caution is good, but a new friend is best!

13 comentaris:

Vanessa Brantley Newton ha dit...

your blog is one of the sweetest treats. I love your caution entry. Very special and beautiful.

thedoodlegirl ha dit...

Wow, wow, wow! Very detailed and perfect for this week's theme! I love this!

Sónia Cântara ha dit...

Hi! I just want to congratulate you for your work. I took a look on your blog and really LOVE it!

Rui Sousa ha dit...

Beautiful work, lovely!

Natura ha dit...

Hola, muy bueno y dulce tu trabajo.

Me gustó la frase y los bellos detalles de este.


Artsnark ha dit...

perfect piece! Love everything about it

Cally Johnson-Isaacs ha dit...

Beautiful work, i love your style and characters!

Miss KB ha dit...

Amazing! Very talented! Looking forward to seeing more :)

Anònim ha dit...

Really love the textures and color in this illustration!

Rubèn Montañá ha dit...

Que bonic que és!!M'alegro de veure noves entrades al blog!! Petons!!

justdoodleit ha dit...

Beautiful image and really great details!

michele ha dit...

Charming illustration with a sweet message!

Patricia González Palacios ha dit...

Hola, encontré tu blog, me encantaron tus ilustraciones, te felicito, muy lindo , saludos paty