dijous, 21 de febrer del 2008

IF "Theory"

In theory, cleanliness is best.

11 comentaris:

Rui Sousa ha dit...

Fantastic,really funny. a lovely work!

Bee ha dit...

This is a charming scene, love your rich use of colour.

ricardo ha dit...


studio lolo ha dit...

This is sooo wonderful!!!

Anònim ha dit...

Wonderful, such lovely style you have. That's one cute (and clean) piglet, though I wish he would not cry. I love how you left part of the paper exposed, and the floating soap bubbles.

Mark ha dit...

A lovely illustration, very charming.

Selya ha dit...

I love it! very cute:)

Coralie colorie ha dit...

Very beautiful illustration ! I never imagined a pig taking a bath before ! Great idea !

Toni ha dit...

I spent summers on my grandma and grandpa's farm, and the truth is that pig's LIKE to be clean ... they all would have loved a bubble bath and a rubber duck and a good back scrub! This illo is FUN!

Anònim ha dit...

such SWEET characters!


Marta Montañá ha dit...

Thank you very much to yours comments, i'm very happy!!!
